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"ÖKO-TURBO" Sower for mounting on machines,
    cultivating vinelands spacing.
     Books about vine-growing contain very little information concerning grapes neighbors – grasses,
 growing in spacing. Work choice with spacing shall fit full scale of work with vineland. In general,
 one should not underestimate the influence of the choice of spacing practice to the whole mini
 ecosystem of the vineland. These practices may have great influence onto abiotic and biotic factors
 on the vineland. There are different methods of work with spacing, artificial grassing being the best
 of them. Protection from erosion makes the best influence of the grassing to the soil.
 Öko Turbo Einsatz
      One season under the influence of rain and wind the soil may loose the layer of 10cm and it can
 accumulate in places, where vegetative cover is available. Grassing also minimizes soil
 compression and erosion, caused by machines movement. At the same time, they provide great
 maneuverability for tractors (this is particularly important for working on hilly surface!) Grassing
 also contributes to precipitation penetrating into the soil, which is very important for salty soils and
 soils with large amount of clay. Plants with large root system like oil radish improve infiltration and
 water penetration into the soil through interstices, formed after root decaying.
 Increasing the quantity of the organic material in soil is another reason for using leies in spacing.
 However leies influence upon the real level of the organic substance depends on soil type,
 temperature and precipitations. A number of microorganisms, used in the process of organic
 substances dissolution, need definite climatic conditions for their living. That is why it is necessary
 to use extra lateral systems in dry regions to increase organic substance. But we can prevent using
 extra lateral systems if we use grassing method, which results in increasing the number of fungi.
 These fungi ecize plants roots, increasing thus the chances for grapes to reach water and nutrients –
 this is a considerable advantage for places with marginal soil. One should not forget that any plant
 may both attract and push away definite types of insects. Thus, insects which usually feed
 themselves on broad-leaved plants are unlikely to climb the grapes trunk searching for food if they
 lack ground resources. When sowing leies one should pay attention grapes age. Aggressive plants
 may simply smother young grapes in struggle for water and nutrients. After grapes has become
 rape, aggressive plants be used to decrease grapes growth and hold on an optimum balance between
    Books about vine-growing contain very little information concerning grapes neighbors – grasses,
 growing in spacing. Work choice with spacing shall fit full scale of work with vineland. In general,
 one should not
 underestimate the influence of the choice of spacing practice to the whole mini ecosystem of the
 vineland. These practices may have great influence onto abiotic and biotic factors on the vineland.
       There are different methods of work with spacing, artificial grassing being the best of them. Protection
 from erosion makes the best influence of the grassing to the soil. Vegetative and fruit zones of grapes.
        There are three types of leies, used on vinelands: herbs, legumes and flower mixtures. Pneumatic
 seeder “Eco-Turbo 5” suits perfectly for sowing above mentioned leies. This seeder can be easily
 mounted on any machine, you can easily control the seeder from tractor cabin with the control
 panel. Dosing device is made of high-quality stainless steel.

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